Showing 1 - 12 of 12 item(s)


Give the perfect gift with a Dill & Rose gift card. Give your loved one the opportunity to choose from the floral arrangements they love.


Our Signature Bouquet, that can be created with a rose colour of your choice, just get in touch and let us know your preference. This Bouquet is a real winner for any occasion.


A festive bouquet to bring cheer to your home, with glittered red roses and gypsophila.


A stunning hand-tied bouquet in whites, greens and silver foliage. The perfect winter and festive gift.


A favourite of Dill & Rose, this bouquet says Christmas all over it, with red roses, skimmia and eryngium.


This is truly festive, a bouquet everyone will love. The perfect gift!


A beautiful yuletide bouquet of reds and greens, sure to be a popular this season.


Simply Exquisite! Whether your treating yourself or it’s a gift for that someone special, this bouquet will bring plenty of smiles.


A beautiful protea stands amongst the finest of roses, eryngium and lush foliage. This bouquet will look elegant anywhere in the home.


Red Roses say it all! Let your love flow with either 10 or 20 of the finest roses and eucalyptus, with lush green foliage.


A wonderful field of flowers sure to brighten anyone's day.